What is Chicken Gossip?

It’s a fun and easy going site for people that want to put on shows and people that want to enter shows. We make it as easy as we can.

Everything is done by ‘Forms’.

One form to create a ‘User’ Account.

Next form is to create a show in the database.

Then it is time for entries. Exhibitors should create an account with the customer form.

Next is the birds that need to be entered. The customer/exhibitor will use the Use the ‘Bird’ form.

Then they’ll enter the bird into the show they want them in.

After the information is put into the database, the show management may print out a coop card for each bird entered.

Since it is the owners/exhibitors of the birds, entering the information, please be sure what you enter is correct.

We may correct errors, double check your information.

If you do make an error, please create a new form and let us know which is the error form and we will delete it.

Happy chickening!!

All Rights Reserved: Chicken Gossip 2024